Question: On a fresh install, everything appears to be working fine, except clouddriver and igor pods are going into crashloop

Answer: While there could be many reasons for this, the most common one is that the dynamic account repository information is incorrect or inaccessible or branch mentioned there not found OR the default "master" branch does not exist. 

This can easily be corrected by looking at default/profiles/spinnakerconfig.yml. Ensure that the defaultLabel (branch) is correct and exists. 

By looking at .hal/profiles/spinnakerconfig.yml inside the halyard pod, we can see the exact values being used after pre-processing. If these are incorrect, please check the values.yaml used for installation.

e.g. commands:

kubectl -n opsmx-isd exec -it oes-spinnaker-halyard-0 bash


cd .hal/default/profiles

cat spinnakerconfig.yml