Please ensure that you wait ~5 min for the account to show-upClick on syns accounts in AutoPilot. Also, logout and login back and check.
Check clouddriver-loca.yml file is updated in git- repo or not.
Check spinnaker halyard pod whether it is restarted or not (only for non-k8s accounts). If it is not restarted, please restart it manually.
Look in the clouddriver-caching logs: For kubernetes accounts, we should find these lines:
Located property source: [BootstrapPropertySource {name='bootstrapProperties-<repo-path>/clouddriver-local.yml'}]
If this line is NOT there, OR is incorrect, please update/check .hal/default/profiles/spinnakerconfig.yml
default/KubernetesUnregisteredCustomResourceCachingAgent[1/1]: agent is starting
Here “default” is the name of the account we are looking for. If it is NOT there, check if clouddriver-local.yml contains the correct entries.
Ensure that there is no “artifact” of type github defined in .hal/config file. There is a BUG due to which dynamic accounts does not work if any github artifact source is defined. In most cases, alternative artifact types such as http, gitrepo, helm, etc. can be used
If the line in (b) IS there, see if there are any errors thrown up. This might mean that it is not possible to cache objects in this account. This might be due to:
Incorrect kubeconfig file uploaded
There are some custom objects or other objects that need to be added in the “omitKind” section of the account definition
The namespaces you are looking for are not accessible via the kubeconfig file OR you have not specified any namespace, so clusterrole access is required, which is not available to the kubeconfile. In this case, just add the correct list of namespaces that can be accessed via the kubeconfig file loaded.
Look in the clouddriver-caching logs: For non-kubernetes accounts, we should find some error related to the account. It is usually due to incorrect credentials or incorrect proxy definition or not loading custom-certificates that the Cloud-API end-point has been configured with.