Question: After I login, if I am inactive for sometime and then click anywhere I get strange error. How to fix this?

Answer: We need to ensure that the session timeout in oes-gate matchs that of the LDAP/SAML/AD provider. For this,

we need to update the following in oes-gate-config secret:



    timeoutInSeconds: 290

The default is 7200 (2 hours) which enough for most cases. However, in some cases the SAML/AD timeout is set rather low, e.g. 5 min. In that case, we need to update this value. Once fixed, it should give a pop-up "Refresh and login again" whenever the session expires.

NOTE: If NOT using common-gate, please update this in gate-local.yml in the halyard-repo. Typically there will already be a "server:" section. Only need to add the two lines to that section and click on "Sync Accounts to Spinnaker" button on ISD set-up UI.