Question: How to import a ca certificate into oes-cacerts?

Answer: If your organization uses custom or self-signed certificates for various services, we will need to include it in oes-cacerts and install ISD with "customCerts" set to "true" in value.yaml.

These representative commands will help. Note that  KeyTool is part of the Java-JDK. Assuming that we installed the JDK with default settings, its in $JAVA_HOME/bin

kubectl get secret oes-cacerts -o jsonpath="{.data.cacerts}" | base64 -d > cacerts

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias self-signed-cert1 -file ca.crt

kubectl delete secret oes-cacerts --ignore-not-found

kubectl create secret generic oes-cacerts --from-file=cacerts