Problem : Added jenkins through OES UI and connected to spinnaker. Able to see the jenkins account and list the jobs available in spinnaker UI. But on triggering the jenkins stage getting 404 not found error

Solution : When we add jenkins through OES UI and connect to spinnaker, by default CSRF get set to true in halyard config. If CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) is not enabled in your jenkins, jobs trigger through spinnaker pipeline gives 404 Not Found error.

If CSRF is not enabled in your jenkins, set CSRF to false in halyard config. If it is non-gitops style of installation, enter into halyard pod and edit the halyard config file (~/.hal/config).Then do a hal deploy apply.

For gitops style installation go to github/bitbucket/S3 repo used for dynamic accounts and edit the config file. Restart halyard to reflect the change.

In feature OES release will get option to set CSRF true/false while adding jenkins from OES UI.