Q: When I deploy applications to Kubernetes from Spinnaker post-deployment none of the deployed clusters are visible. Below exception is observed in Clouddriver.

com.netflix.spinnaker.clouddriver.kubernetes.op.job.KubectlJobExecutor$KubectlException: Failed to read [configMap, controllerRevision, cronJob, daemonSet, deployment, event, horizontalpodautoscaler, ingress, job, limitRange, networkPolicy, persistentVolumeClaim, pod, podPreset, podDisruptionBudget, replicaSet, role, roleBinding, secret, service, serviceAccount, statefulSet] from default: error: the server doesn't have a resource type "podPreset"


  • This issue occurs mostly in the Kubernetes version 1.19.x or the latest version. If you run into this issue in the hal config file under "omitKind" add "podPrest" in the below format 

    - "podPreset"
  • Now, restart spinnaker services

hal deploy apply
  • Once, all the spinnaker services are up and running all the deployed resources should be visible in Spinnaker Clusters.