Question: Spinnaker pipeline autotrigger fails with secrets in Spinnaker 1.19


  • This works perfectly fine in the older version of Spinnaker like (1.16.x, 1.17.x & 1.18.x). 
  • Have observed failures from 1.19.x. 
  • As of now, below are the recommended and tested Workarounds for this issue
    • Create a serviceAccount by executing the below command. Upon creating the serviceAccount, in the UI select the "Run as User" to be "" from the below command.
    • Following this will allow you to Trigger the pipeline as expected.
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "", "memberOf": [ "rxgroup"] }' http://localhost:8080/serviceAccounts

  • Other option is to remove secrets and test.
  • Permanent solution WorkInProgress.